Six Principles of Sustainability (a work in progress)

1. Build compact cities in which all destinations are within convenient walking distance. Prohibit motor vehicles within the city.

2. Surround the city with garden plots for each household, within convenient walking distance, of a size sufficient to raise a significant amount of food.

3. Construct the city of attached, durable and fire resistant buildings, no taller than a walkable height, fronting on narrow streets, with arcaded sidewalks.

4. Arrange buildings to create small plazas for public space and to create interior courtyards for private and semi-private space.

5. Return all water, after biological purification, to the source of origin or aquifer. Remove all organic waste, including human waste, to the garden plots surrounding the city.

6. In governance, practice subsidiarity, whereby a matter is “handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized authority capable of addressing it”.

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